Wednesday, April 8

The Pot of Gold

At the other end of the Rainbow in the Rainbow Coalition is a pot of gold. Normally this pot of gold would be the bounty of some drunken Irish midget, but here it is actually a cesspool of filthy blood money bundled together by the political sludge that composes Chicago politics. This gold allows magical things to happen: the Daley family runs the city, Bullwinkle's sidekick gets to wear a wig and run the state, and now everyone's favorite ballot purger gets to run the country. Hidden away in this pap smear of politics, is the Congressional delegation. At the top are Senators Dick Durbin and clean-as-a-fiber-addict's-never-tended-outhouse Roland Burris.

Beneath the two Senators rest a House pack that ranges from the boring, to the crazy, to the (formerly) weasel-ey, to the pure, unfettered, nepotistically corrupt and douchey. Yes, Jesse Jackson, Jr. whose reputation is as clean as his father's, and his intelligence, virtue, and leadership is rivaled only by his independent merit-based rise to political prominence. He now faces an ethics probe into his role in Blago-gate. Nothing warms the cockles of my egalitarian heart like one of the political dynasties of a local and national political industry get tangled up in a scandal like a spiritual advisor in a pair of the office clerk's panties. We had a special election to replace Rahmbo this week; the Secretary of State better not stash the voting machines too far into the back of the supply closet, as Ginger smells another special election right around the corner. I don't think all the gold in Rome (or Chicago) will avoid this spectacular collapse.


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