Thursday, April 2

Sebelius tucks

Oh, Kathleen, we know you have a huge pair of balls, but where were they yesterday?

The pending HHS secretary should be giving sane progressives pause following her waffling avoidance of the insurance mandate issue during her confirmation hearing. I know many of you have conveniently forgotten that Obama never advocated mandating coverage for all Americans during the campaign, only children. On a related note, you've also probably convinced yourself that a reformed healthcare system in which some don't have to participate will work out alright. Well, let me remind you that such a system won't work out in the end. Someone told us that...who was it...oh yeah, that bitch Hillary.

If Obama doesn't do healthcare right now, he'll have squandered our shot at affordable coverage for everyone FOREVER. Mr. President, soon-to-be Madame Secretary, buck up. Tell all of your emo 25-year-old supporters out there that just because they're not sick now doesn't mean they won't end up in the emergency room later. ~Slim

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