Saturday, February 21

The Sassing Begins...

Hey junkies, welcome to Sassmouth Politics!

Have you noticed recently 95% of the population of avid politicos have completely lost sense of reality? We have, and we're NOT HAVING ANY OF IT. For over a year, we've been emailing and texting political freakouts and irreverent commentary back and forth to one another. One day, we crossed a certain ego boundary that made it seem right to publish our sass on the web.

Ginger and Slim are simultaneously the most fervent of progressives and the dullest of moderates. Our policy views, politics, and values are far left of center. Yet we're not impressed with the empty threats, instant historical revisionism and double think, or idol worship of the usual lefty blogs. If we wanted clouded judgment, we'd clearly journey to the right.

We're not just going to pretend to hold politicians accountable, then rebound with a convenient excuse when we're let down. This blog will spread the sass around, unapologetically. We will also (hopefully) offer humorous discourse regarding all things asinine in the political world. When we're wrong, we'll admit it, even though we'll really hate it. When you disagree, we'll listen.

The obsession with and idolization of political leaders that often spews from the mouths of the politically (un)informed will be scarce here, as you probably already gathered. That nonsense in ready supply elsewhere.

It's fun being a sassmouth, as long as your grandmother isn't around to crack you for it. Enjoy it with us.

-Ginger and Slim

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