It was reported on NPR today that British Prime Minister, Gordon "Best-We-Can-Do" Brown, came up with a stellar idea to solve the world financial crisis. He describes a "Global New Deal" that will transform the worldwide financial system and protect against future economic problems. He proposed an international regulatory body that would monitor the actions of individual nations' financial systems in order to ensure that we don't encounter further greed, corruption, and misdeeds and that, as a result, the system is stabilized and protected.
Really, Gordon Brown? Is it really your idea to group all nations and put them under the control of a single, international regulatory body? Is it really in America's and everyone else's interest to do this? It must be a good idea to join an international economic community, like, for example, all of the nations of the European Union dropping their parochial monetary unit and adopting the Euro. It worked out really well for Britain when they adopted the Euro....Oh wait, that's right, that never happened. Britain didn't adopt the Euro because they didn't want to suffer the economic declines associated with the problems of other countries and they didn't want to give up their own soveriegnty. Apparently, however, the US should join this group because it's going to convenience dumbass Gordon. Meanwhile, he can prance around Britain and act like it's everyone else's fault, especially that of the United States, that Britain's financial sector is in the loo as well. Nice try Gordon, just wait on another one of your not-regularly-scheduled elections to be called and have your ass thrown out on the street like the common drunk that you are.
**UPDATE** World's least important economic actor, IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn (also known as the Student Council Treasurer of the undeveloped world), backs the idea of a world financial institution solving this mess. Nice try to you, too, douche, we're not enhancing your institutional power, but we'll still cast 40% of the votes on "issues" that come before you.
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