Tuesday, March 24

In case the economy isn't making you suicidal...

...the latest media news will. First up, Howard Dean will become a regular CNBC contributor. Remember that one time in 2004 when Dean was the white 2004 Obama, beloved by the liberal masses and praised for his opposition to the Iraq war? Oh yeah, then he started screaming, and didn't have any "inspirational" background to propel him forward or a "bitch" candidate like Hil with which to contrast himself.

Then Dean turned his amazing web networking prowess into a new base of Democratic support, revitalized the DNC, and catapulted Obama to the White House with his sound 50-state strategy. You would think Obama would be greatful, but he let Rahm be a fucking spiteful dick and ushered in precious boytoy Tim Kaine. Dean has been gracious through his unceremonial kicking to the curb by Obama and Emanuel, but I doubt his populist perspective will make CNBC any less annoying, and he clearly deserves better than NBC's ugliest and least intelligent child.

Those of you who were looking forward to the Chris Matthews Pennsylvania Senate candidacy disaster will be doubly disappointed that not only will he refrain in 2010, he will be with MSNBC for another painful four years. Four more years of awkward misogyny, belligerent love-hate for Obama, and aggressive, nonsensical and blatantly leading questions. I mean, even Chuck Todd is marginally more tolerable, and Todd is the worst reporter/analyst EVER. Matthews' delusion about his own impartiality and analytical skills is gut-wrenching, but I guess that trainwreck brings enough viewers to the time slot, so brace yourselves. ~ Slim

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