Monday, March 30

The Nobel Prize: Useless in an Era of CHANGE

Early in the 2008 primary season, Ginger and I were at a debate-watching party when an idiot with zero political knowledge referred to our precious Hildog as "naive." We took it poorly, at best. So I felt for you, Krugman lovers and legitimate progressive thinkers, when I read this today. If you find it audacious that the very people who fucked up on AIG and many other bailout elements would call a qualified scholar "naive," you should probably remember that these people are so obsessed with their great leader, they probably regard his daily shit as some sort of economic oracle.

To be fair, Obama's apostles are new to any left-leaning criticism of the Exhalted One, and they're all totally emo, so it makes sense that they are crying in the corner before lashing out at the man they envision as Judas. I sort of feel badly for them, because this is the start of what I think is a tide of very public criticism from very prominent liberals.

Evan Thomas himself admitted that his establishment tendencies make him want to dismiss Krugman's gloomy foreboding, but that he has a nagging feeling the little man might be onto something. I suspect John McCain may have had a nagging feeling that Cindy looked a little groggy, but then ignored it, and suddenly meds were missing from a certain chairty organization. Whoops. Was it not ignorance of our inner nag that got us into this econapocalypse in the first place?

But back to the shit oracles. I mean, a reliance on sorcery and mystique must have been the reason administration officials convinced Obama to get all stern father on GM and Chrysler without preparing Gibbsy to defend against a patently obvious double standard, right? If they would have done their homework - say, the kind of rigorous research that lands one a Nobel Prize - one would think they would have drawn the conclusion that the public would be incredulous over a perceived blunt-force assault on the "American worker" versus a mere slap on the wrist for those dastardly Wall Street monsters. It seems that Krugman is more and more correct with each passing day.


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