Tuesday, June 1

Just the Tipper

Al and Tipper Gore are ending their 40 year marriage. I can only imagine the look of sadness washing over Tipper's face like the rising ocean levels rushing across a pristine beach. It must look like the face a Polar Bear gets when it suddenly finds itself in a newly broken off ice frigate with no source of food, coasting aimlessly into the forever warming abyss.

While a juicy story may yet emerge, it appears the two drifted apart like two halves of a melted glacier. These two soon-to-be divorcees shall move on, spending separately their final days until they finally melt away into the ocean of eternity.

On a related note: breaker breaker, a cougar has escaped from the zoo. And even the most boring, dry guy could enliven her otherwise soporific existence. You don't even have to be a 10 to land her; she's been resigning herself to a professional runner up for almost two decades.


1 comment:

  1. Reissue the tape of that wretched tonsil-dive ten years ago at the DNC! HOT!
