Tuesday, June 1

Change with a Side of Texas Toast.

Well, my Spanish is a little rusty, but here goes nothing. Si, se puede culpar al presidente Clinton, tambien.

Thank God the Bush Administration is over. Remember those days. Whenever a scandal or a problem arose it was always the fault of pantsless Bill Clinton and his pants-wearing wife. Recession? Clinton's social programs. Katrina? Clinton's Army Corps of Engineers. September 11th? Clinton's intelligence failures. Bush's 1970s coke marathon? Clinton?? Laura Bush's killing of a high school classmate? Bill had to be part of that, too...like a precursor to Whitewater or Vince Foster or something...

Anyways, thank God we have a Democratic president now who owns up to his own problems, scandals, and failures. But wait, what's this? Oh, yes, Obama's first real personnel scandal, and it must be someone else's fault. Our President, an individual who is self-annointed to be our Savior above the fray of politics as usual, refuses to own up to his own screw up. Instead, he resorts to blaming everyone's favorite punching bag Bill Clinton.

Here is the set up: incumbent Pennsylvania Republican Senator Arlen "back and to the left" Specter reads the tea leaves, switches parties and runs for reelection. A real Democrat, Joe Sestak, challenges him in the primary. The party loses it a little bit. Along the way, Sestak claims the White House offered him a position in the Defense Department in exchange for his dropping out of the primary and letting a Republicrat (read: douche) coast to the general election. Sestak tells this to the press and the President has no idea what to do.

When most people are in a position where they are unsure how to act, they fall back on what is comfortable and familiar, and what they're good at. The great Obama did just that: he maneuvered politically in a manner that echoes the Bush Administration, blaming Bill Clinton.

Hey, maybe Clinton did have a little something to do with this, and I'll be eating my words. But you know what Obama, man the hell up. You're in the big leagues now, and it's time you took blame for SOMETHING.


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